Monday, August 8, 2011

Fungal Nail Infections

Onychomycosis, or fungal nails, is a condition in which one or more toenails is infected by fungi.  If you are suffering from this condition, don't be embarrassed.  Over ten percent of the population has onychomycosis and it is not caused by hygiene.  This condition can be transmitted in public areas like public showers or pools. According to, nail fungal infections are typically caused by a fungus that belongs to a group of fungi called dermatophytes. But yeasts and molds also can be responsible for nail fungal infections.
However,you should not let it ruin your sandal wearing days!  You may have onychomycosis if you have any or all of the following symptoms.
  • Thick Nails
  • Crumbly Nails
  • Deformed Nails
  • Dull Nails
  • Nails Dark In color
See your podiatrist and get a treatment plan going! Call our office at 419-423-1888 or visit our website to request an appointment. Other treatments include medicated washes like fungasoap, available through our product store.  This cleansing soap helps naturally wash Away Fungus, Bacteria, and Foot Odor. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Are You Embarassed to Wear Sandals? We Can Help!

Laser Fungal Treatment

The sun is shining and that means people are digging their sandals from out of their closets and buying the latest trends in summer footwear.  However, if you are suffering from fungal toenails, you may be too embarassed to show off your cool new kicks. Fungi are microscopic organisms that don't need sun to survive (making winter the perfect time for them to get ahold of your toenails!) Nail fungal infections are typically caused by a fungus that belongs to a group of fungi called dermatophytes.  Our office can offer you with laser fungal treatment to diminish your fungal nails and free your feet from those sneakers! The Noveon laser utilizes two specific wavelengths of laser light for advanced microbial destruction. The uniqueness of the Noveon therapy lies in the fact that it harnesses a patented near-infrared photo-inactivation effect, to achieve the elimination of bacteria and fungi, while preserving healthy tissue. The result of Noveon therapy is to advance the recovery process with virtually no side effects.  Once your nails are sandal-ready, you may want to paint them.  However, most nail polishes contain harsh chemicals that are dangerous to your nails. NOURISH is a premium line of natural and organic nail polish, developed by podiatric physicians and pharmacists at Barefoot Botánica. NOURISH is the safe, organic alternative to typical “toxic cosmetic” nail polishes on the market. But don’t think a nail polish with clinical advantages has to look “clinical”—NOURISH lacquers are rich, luxuriant and quite sublime! It is available at Advanced Footcare Clinic Website through the product store.  Call our office today at 419-423-1888 to start your journey to sandal-ready nails!